If you’ve ever given birth to a child, a dream, a vision, you know the feeling of being aware you are not in control. The labor process can be long or short and yet the miracle is no greater or no less because of the pain. A miracle is simply a miracle.
As the due date comes closer for this dream I have been incubating, I am struck by the difference in giving birth to a dream or building an idea.
Like many people, I have had great ideas in my life. I often say I’m the “idea person”. As a recovering “control freak”, when building an idea there is a great sense of control. You are aware of the experience, your free will is always afoot, and you’re using creative impulses and can be very powerful over the idea. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the building process. Its how great ideas come into form. I’ve created many business, things and success. And, the ego is very much involved.
And yet, birthing a dream is so incredibly different. Instead of control, the feeling is being a steward, a caretaker, an incubator. There is something about the dream that supersedes the dreamer. When you give life to a dream you do not take credit for it, you are humbled at having been allowed to participate at all. You cannot compare it to something else because dreams are special, unique and individual.
Because I never had the incredible experience of having a human child, this Wellness Summit being born is as close to that experience as I have had to date. I am experiencing the sense of nurturing for its launch; I am protective like a she lion and hold in a higher priority than my own needs.
Giving birth to something that could come into the world and make an impact in a way you cannot control is exhilarating. Just as your children are never yours. They are on loan from the universe. This event is not mine, it belongs to the universe. The allowing process has been fun, scary, painful and joyful.
So the lesson is pay attention to your dreams. Treat them like you would your children. Hold them close, nurture them, believe in them, trust them and most of all live your life with them!
With it being only 5 days away the best analogy I can find it that I have had Braxton Hicks for the past two days.