Monthly Archives: May 2023
A Cinderella Story
Once upon a time there lived a girl (or a guy) who was unhappy, felt oppressed, poor, not good enough, fat, ugly, born of the wrong parents, helpless or just melancholy. The fairy tale version of this character is visited by their fairy god mother, dressed in a Red Carpet haute de couture designer outfit … Continue reading
A Sheep In Wolves Clothing
We’ve all grown up with the idiom A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing as a warning that someone is showing up as good contrary to their true nature which is bad or evil. So trusting someone who appears to be your friend who is actually out to betray you is scary indeed. What if you were paying … Continue reading
Birthing vs Building
If you’ve ever given birth to a child, a dream, a vision, you know the feeling of being aware you are not in control. The labor process can be long or short and yet the miracle is no greater or no less because of the pain. A miracle is simply a miracle. As the due … Continue reading