My auto pilot navigation system has been engineered by deeper beliefs lurking just below the surface. It has been programmed to Loch Ness monster any “new” idea before it has time to scream. Of course relying on inner guidance is the first course of action but this can be a tricky as well.
Navigating through the English Channel of life avoiding Loch Less becomes more interesting as my beliefs morph and shift. Moving towards the ocean through the channel, more and more boats seem to appear with others having beliefs that are cheering me on with “backwards thinkin”. I hear them cheering, “you must work hard to get ahead in life”, “the economy is bad”, “money doesn’t grow on trees”, “milk is a good source of calcium” and my favorite “chocolate makes you fat”.
These are just the ones that get through even when I have my hands over my ears. For lack of a better term we can call it “race consciousness”. A way of thinking that a whole lot of people have agreed upon. Of course my reptilian brain would like to relax, feel safe and unthreatened by going along with the rest of the tribe. The uncomfortable begins to feel comfortable and that is where “backwards thinkin” sets in.
Urban Dictionary hasn’t defined “backward thinking” as of yet. Google returns 64,000 results. Perfect metaphor. Imagine this with a Southern drawl twang “honey, just how much “backwards’ thinkin are you doin today?”
Sometimes it’s easier to see the opposite of something to understand it. Consider a more common phrase, forward thinking to contrast “backwards thinkin’”. When forward thinking you might be considered ahead of your time, engaging in forward motion. Plenty of examples of ahead of your time always the funniest has been when Chris Columbus said the world was round. We laugh now but if you had lived then would you have been one of the “pack” who told him HE was crazy? I don’t know about you, but my reptilian brain wants to retreat when confronted with something scary, or perilous. This part of our brain used to keep us safe from big, ferocious animals and such. Now all it does it keep us stuck and away from or dreams. Case in point, the “scary” now are beliefs that are “new” always falling into that category. Scary and perilous for me these days is completely challenging every belief I’ve ever had and asking is it true and does it serve me. Mostly the answer comes back NO for those things that have been hanging around for a while.
A blogger wrote: When you’re striving to reach a goal, it’s always above you. You’re climbing upward and reaching higher. You’re overcoming adversity and winning the race. This sums up the idea that forward thinking propels you to your dreams. A simple experiment done in Radboud University concluded that taking steps backwards and forwards, participants could readily recognize a colored card quicker and easier when taking steps backwards. Their findings: Those who had walked just a few steps backward were far more focused and attentive than were any of the others. That is, their physical retreat triggered increased mental control. Poppy cock! I say “backwards thinkin”.
Of course they were more focused. How easy it is to be on auto pilot thinking the same old thoughts you always have. The courage is when you are off balance, moving forward, cannot identify the color or solution immediately. Taking a risk, stepping out into the unknown, being comfortable with the uncomfortable.
Giving up on “backwards thinkin”, does not seem be programmed into our DNA but in truth it is. We have free will and choice. Taking the easy road is, well, easy. Navigating the channel to your dreams will be scary, tenuous, rocky and more fun than you ever had because when you see the Loch Ness Monster it’s only Cecil the Seasick Serpent. Listen closely you will most likely hear:
“You can work less and have more in life ”, “your economy is great”, “money does grow on trees”, “milk is for baby cows” and my favorite “chocolate makes you healthy”.