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The Law of Circulation

Posted by on January 25, 2023

Spinning my little feet as fast as they will go, the spin instructor barks “turn it up another notch”.  Salty sweat dripping into my eyes, the epiphany is clear.   I hear, one two, one two, legs spiral their circular motion.  It is not the law of attraction it is the law of circulation.

No mystery behind this curtain.   With all the hoopla surrounding “The Secret” and the “law of attraction”, I wondered if I was just a really poor magnet and needed to visit the North Pole.  My heart burst with joy when I remembered, life is circular and in motion all the time, just like my little legs at that moment.  Attraction or being a “magnet” carries with it an implication that there is something forcing another thing to it.   I have this picture of a horseshoe magnet full of the paper clips which commonly serve as irritation on my desk.  Clinging without will to this magnet, instead of allowing themselves to be recycled back to somewhere or someone else.

Being introduced to this beautiful law of circulation during the many prosperity classes I’ve been blessed to attend, it has been described similar to a body of water. The best example being the Dead Sea.  It has not outlet, just an inlet.  No circulation, well they call it the Dead Sea.  Such a great metaphor for stagnation. When something is only coming in and nothing is going out there is stagnation.  If it is only going out and never coming in it dries up.   I strive to push the circulation in my weathered body every day through this thing called cardio vascular exercise.  What a great metaphor as well.  It’s not just money that is under the rule of the law of circulation.  It is everything in life.  Your relationships, your attitude, your love life, your happiness.  We create whatever we like through this law of circulation.  What you circulate out in the harmonious connection with your thoughts and feelings will circulate back into the channel.

As this epiphany turned into salt crystals on my face during the drive from gym to home, I could see it everywhere.  The weather patterns are circulatory; our own physical make up is a complete circulatory system.  Disease and illness is attracted to our body when something is attracted to it in a stationary spot.   Birds are circulatory; the life process is circulatory, birth to death.

The oceans in my beloved Playa are the antithesis of circulation, the currents, the waves the tides.  It is such a blessing to be in charge of my own circulation.  As a cardio vascular exertion helps blood pump into my veins, so does my circulatory exercise of demonstrating what I wish in my life.  In order for me to have an abundant flow of goodness, wealth, love, health, kindness, creativity, I simply begin to flow those things outward from my vessel into the universal ocean of life.  As it circulates around it comes back to me in harmonious exact precision to create this seemingly new influx of life energy and yet I created it by my own exertion.  As I exercise my heart muscle in the gym so to do I exercise my heart muscle in life.  It becomes stronger and healthier and supports the entire eco system of my physical and yes my emotional body.

So as much as I love the idea of the Law of Attraction, I subscribe to the notion that I am the circulator or the stagnator of my life.  I create the flow or turn off the flow at any given moment with my breath, my thoughts, my feelings, my attitude, my love, my goodness towards myself and others.

Today circulate whatever it is you wish to flow back into your ocean.



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