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Everyone Has Playa Purpose

Posted by on December 27, 2022

Discovering your Playa Purpose is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.  Everyone has a playa purpose in life . . .  a unique gift or special talent to give to others.  A Playa Purpose is a being talent, not a doing “thang”.   When you blend your unique talent with service to others, you experience the ecstasy and exultation of your own spirit.  This is the ultimate goal of all goals.


Instead of setting “To Do” goals this year, decide to set “To Be” goals.  This is easy in Playa.  Learning from watching the birds, the jungle life and the ocean.   Each is “being” its true nature.


Today make a list of your true nature.  What is the unique gift or talent you “present’ to this world?  Are you uniquely kind, generous, fun, adventurous, mysterious, spontaneous, free?  These are all qualities that shine in the Mayan mystery. 


Step into the field of possibilities and today recognize and praise those qualities in yourself.  Be a good “finder” and catch yourself doing those things that exhibit your unique talent or gift.  Praise yourself and tell someone.


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