Take Time for Yourself Today
Phew! You made it through Christmas. Now it’s time to face down the week before New Years. Historically for many this is a week where New Year’s Resolutions are decided upon, party planning begins for that elusive midnight celebration and review of the previous year is the staple for new programs.
What if you were to begin the New Year with a different perspective beginning today?
“Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute. What you can do or dream, you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Only engage, and then the mind grows heated. Begin it, and the work will be completed.” Goethe “Faust, Part I”
Instead of reviewing what the rest of the world has been doing this year, review your own life. As I have walked the beaches of Playa del Carmen, I am always struck by my own footprints as well as those who walk ahead of me or behind me. There is something about a foot print that is a trace suggesting that something was once present or felt otherwise important.
If you are not in Playa today, you can do this: On a piece paper or anything you find fun, draw around your foot, yes draw around your own foot. Then write inside the outline where your feet have taken you.
If you want to do more than one, don’t hold back. What paths have you been down? Have you always chosen the path you wanted? Is it a path of wellness for you and your family, success, skill building, energy, responsibility, pampering?
Now draw another outline of your foot and decide what path you wish to take in 2012. Rather than set a resolution that you won’t keep, make a plan for your path. What goals would you need to accomplish to stay on this path? Ask yourself what choices do you make differently?
If your path going to be to:
. . . lead a healthier life?
. . . lead a happier life?
. . . understand more about stress?
. . . exercise more?
. . . understand more about nutrition?
. . . play and laugh more?
. . .dive into your spirituality?
Whatever path you choose, allow your feet to deliver you there.
So take time today for yourself to play, laugh, spend time with your kids, friends, and family because you want to.
Also begin today to write about yourself as you are now and as you see yourself to be. Really decide what your dreams and aspirations and plans for the future are. Start the journal today and add to it daily. By the end of 2012 you will have your own Playa footprint to add to Paradise.